Quite simply, we’re here to help you organise and manage your personal finances whilst also making sure you are invested ethically. Beyond that though, these are a few additional, specific reasons for you to choose us.
Our advisers are Chartered
You’ll be advised by a Chartered Financial Planners. This is the pinnacle qualification within financial services and maintains standards of excellence.
We’re an 'independent' IFA firm
This enables us to choose from a much wider selection of investments and products than an alternative 'restricted' IFA firm, thus allowing us to recommend ones that are specific to your needs.
We use simple, clear terminology
This profession is littered with jargon; we hate it. We'll never bamboozle you with complex language or indecipherable charts. And we're great listeners too.
We have deep and wide knowledge
We welcome clients with complex affairs and multiple goals. We work holistically and will bring clarity and control to your life when you need it most.
We're a boutique firm
Although we help clients all over the UK, we're a single office firm with a small team so you’ll be well known to your adviser and our support team who will be there to personally deal with your issues from beginning to end.
Your security is paramount
We invest in top-level cyber security and follow strict data procedures to ensure that your information is kept safe, secure and private at all times.
We’re tech-savvy
We are small and nimble enough to value and deploy the latest industry technology, and easily adapt what we do and how we work over time. This means detailed, visually impressive access to your own information via your PC, tablet or phone at all times.
Our fee structure is simple
It is as fair and as open as we can make it. You will always be told what you will pay before you join us and at annual reviews so there are no surprises and you can opt out at Level 1, 2 or 3 with no quibble or penalties if you wish to do so.
We give back
Although we operate as a 'for profit' business, we have committed to gifting 2% of our annual turnover to our sister organisation, the Good Green Foundation CIC, supporting re-wilding, community projects through the UK.